Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dreams? Reality?

I just came back from the movie Inception. Was a great movie! I was amazed by their imagination of ‘dreaming’. This movie gave me some inspirations, and that is what I’m going to share, ‘Dreams Vs Reality’ – topic of the day~

All our life, we’ve been chasing for our dreams. It can be one or a few. We think that dreams will create or brings us to the world we want, the reality. But who can tell or prove that what we think is actually true?

Our dreams are endless, because human’s desires never end. We will always ask for more and never get satisfied. Perhaps that is the greedy personalities we were born with? No ones know when the dreams will actually come true or being achieved. Why are we so sure that the reality we thought of is actually the reality? How do we define or differentiate between dream and reality? Are we sure what we are chasing are what we want but not the projection or image we saw from others or given by others?

We always perceived dreams as something cheerful, beautiful, and fantasy. Probably something that doesn’t exist in our reality, that’s why we called it a dream. On the other hand, we think reality is something cruel, something we couldn’t help of, something we wanted to get out of, something we couldn’t change, mostly are negative emotions.

We kept chasing for dreams until we lost our self, until we confused between dreams and reality. We worked hard, sacrificed our whole life time chasing for the so-called ‘dream’, but when we looked back, we felt empty, the opportunity costs we had given up probably huge enough to changed our relationships with friends and family, and we starts to questioned ourselves is the dream we’ve long been chasing worth?

Until we sees the reality of the dream, we will awaked from our reality and realised we’ve long been living in a dream, a dream we created and named ‘The Reality’.

(ps:// I have to reclarify that dreaming is good, but we shouldn’t lose ourselves on the way of achieving it. We should be assertive, but not ambitious. We should ask ourselves what we really want for life, but not blindly following what others think is right. There's a 'turdo' (i don't know how to spell it XP do correct me!) in the movie to helps in differentiating reality from dreams, but we don't have it in real life. So we got to trust our instinct and follow our heart~!)

Good luck to everyone in achieving their dream(s)! <3